Personal Picture

Daniele Gadler

Data Scientist

daniele.gadler at


You may download the latest version of my CV at this URL.

💬 Introduction: I am a trilingual data scientist fluent in English, German and Italian, passionate about managing data and productionizing machine learning, AI and data science science solutions. I hold a MSc. in Computer Science and Networking (cum laude) from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and the University of Pisa, from which I graduated in 2019.

📊 Data scientist experience: Currently, I am working as a senior data scientist at STADA Group, a multi-national pharmaceutical company located next to Frankfurt am Main, Germany. From March 2021 until December 2023, I have been working as a data scientist at One Data GmbH on the optimization of the supply chain for the production of medicines for a large German pharmaceutical company. Before that, I worked as a data scientist at Südtiroler Informatik AG and developed models to predict COVID insurgence in patients and on time series to monitor and prevent the spread of COVID in South Tyrol, Italy.

📝 Research experience: At the National Research Institute of Pisa, I worked on research for Recurrent Neural Network quantization in IoT devices. At the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, I investigated the usage of Hidden Markov Models for modelling system usage in complex systems and on edge-based compute clusters for developing countries, and at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern studied techniques to identity Wi-Fi devices in networks based on packets’ electromagnetic fingerprint. This research resulted in the following publications: URL


🚀~/Work Experience

🏆~/Awards and Scholarships

📄~/Certificates and Habilitations




Proficient - fluent
Advanced - fluent

💻 ~/Projects

SIAG - Machine Learning for Traffic Forecast (2019 - 2020)

Machine Learning prototype aimed at predicting road traffic trends in South Tyrol based on IoT and weather sensor data via neural networks, random forest and decision tree models. It uses a Flask frontend for data visualization on a Google Map.

WeAgainstVirus Hackathon - PharmaQ Computer Vision (2020)

Web portal for pharmacy queue estimation during the Covid-19 pandemic. Grab your phone, take a picture, upload it on the website, and the number of people waiting in queue is detected and reported on an interactive map! Based on Flask, a server DB, a faces obfuscator and Nanonetes' API for people detection.

OpenMined - PySyft project (2019 - 2021)

Collaborator to the PySyft project of the OpenMined community with code fixes for the training of Recurrent Neural Networks, Long-Short Term Memory Models, Gated Recurrent Units and optimizations for low-power IoT devices such as Raspberry PIs.

SPADE - Sensing, Processing and Analyzing Data in an Embedded IoT Device (2019)

Implementation of an ML-powered edge computing system for the predictive maintenance of machines, based on a Beagleboard green and an accelerometer. It models the sensors' vibrations using a PCA algorithm and a Neural Network autoencoder to detect abnormal machine behaviour and reports the state on a Grafana UI.

Automatic Hidden Markov Model Generation (2016 - 2019)

Scripts to generate Hidden Markov Models automatically and manually, based on the paper " Mining Logs to Model the Use of a System " implemented in Java Hadoop and R.

Sobel Filter on CUDA, C and OpenCV (2019)

Native C, CUDA, OpenCV versions of the Sobel Filter, an algorithm computing the countour of an image based on the partial derivatives of an image over the X and Y axes.

Persistent World Scripts for Warband (2014 - 2018)

Set of scripts for the "Persistent World" and "Persistent Kingdoms" mod of Mount & Blade: Warband that add roleplay and persistent functionalities to the game, connected to a MySQL Database and a PHP backend.

Data Mining (2018-2019)

Application of data mining techniques such as clustering, supervised classification and association rules to the task of banking customer default prediction in Python. "Lost in Data" team in the 2018-2019 Kaggle challenge.

Dot Matrix Printer (2014-2015)

Hand-made printer using felt tip pens as ink, created based on an Arduino and a Raspberry PI. The system is fully accessible via a web-based interface for uploading images to be printed.

JSnake (2015)

The famous Nokia phone game "Snake" implemented with the Java 8 programming language using, among others, multithreading and generics.

💼 ~/Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes taken during the Master's in Computer Science and Networking 2017-2019 in Pisa and during my Bachelor. All the material released is intended for didactic use only.

Academic Year 2018-2019

Academic Year 2017-2018

Academic Year 2016-2017 - Technische Universität Kaiserslautern